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During Infinite Knowledge Year 10 English tutoring theory classes, students develop:
- The analytical and evaluative skills needed to evaluate ways in which texts present ideas and concepts.
- Fundamental skills in using appropriate language in order to create both critical and creative texts appropriate to audience, purpose and context.
- Conceptual strategies for approaching texts, assignments and exams in Stage 5 and 6 English.
- An understanding of major literary theories and texts that are fundamental for the HSC Advanced English course.
In addition to Theory classes, students receive:
- 160+ page English Theory Booklet focusing on analytical training, conceptual understanding, and then development of written skills. The Theory Book includes weekly homework tasks to help reinforce concepts and skills taught during the lessons.
- End of term English Topic Test, held under strict exam style conditions, designed to prepare them for school assessments and HSC Advanced English requirements.
- One to one English Workshops in the form of a Q&A session, designed to further enhance their writing skills and understanding of course content.
- Exclusive access to Matrix Online which expands the student experience beyond the classroom by providing digital submission of homework and feedback of homework, as well as by encouraging collaborative learning through discussion forums.